Today we are learning a very short and simple, yet powerful
mantra to lord Shiva, also known as Maha Deva, the great God.
As I’ve mentioned in many of my videos Shiva is one of the
gods of the main gods of the Hidu Pantheon Trilogy, the distroyes. He severs
all tat does not servs us and leaves us in the state of consciousness and
This is a mantra that helps us tap into the power of the
great god Shiva and all his healing powers and great energy, thus be one with
The mantra is :
Maha Deva, ‘The Great
God’, it is he who is said to have brought the use of herbs for healing into
popular usage from which the science of natural remedies developed.
To learn how to pronounce this mantra, watch my
YouTube video:
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Have a blessed day...
TaTha-Stu! (So be it)
Shivani Ma