The Chakra System in the Body:
Chakras are centers of energy
in the subtle body, focal points of power, located along the spine. They are
depicted as wheels (the actual meaning of the Sanskrit word ‘chakra’) in the
form of lotus flowers, with different numbers of petals, as seen by the ancient
‘rishis’ or seers of India. There are seven main chakras universally known, and
two more that we will explore during this workshop.
If we where to understand our
energetic system as a series of channels, the main chakras would correspond to
the main intersections. Our ‘prana’ or vital force, flow through these energy
channels, known in the Vedic system as ‘nadis’, which is a Sanskrit word
meaning riverbead containing water. There are 72 thousand nadis and they are the
equivalent to the meridians, in the Chinese system.
There are three main nadis: the
IDA, on the left side of the spine, the PINGALA, on the right side of the
spine, and the SUSHUMNA, along the spine. The Sushumna nadi is the central
channel along the spine. Both Ida and the Pingala nadis begin at the base of
the spine, and twine around it, intercrossing at the seven main chakras. They
terminate at the level of the brow center, and the Sushumna nadi continues
flowing through the crown center.
The Kundalini is our own vital
energy that sits at the base of the spine, and flows through the ida and
pingala nadis, like two serpents, resembling the shape of the caduceus symbol.
In addition to the chakras and
nadis, our energy body has three main circuits, knows as ‘granthis’ or knots.
These knots act as breakers that control the amount of energy that flow through
this intricate system. The RUDRA granthi, located in the navel center, the
VISHNU granthi, in the heart chakra, and the BRAHMA granthi, in the crown
The System of Chakras:
Muladhara Chakra (Root center)
QUALITY: smell
COLOR: red
GEM: ruby
PETALS: four
LOKA: bhu (Earth)
DEITY: Ganesha
ANIMAL: Elephant
Sanskrit Letters: vam, sham, sham, and sam.
Swadhisthana Chakra (Sacral center)
QUALITY: taste
COLOR: orange
GEM: Red Aventurine
LOKA: bhuvar (atmosphere)
DEITY : Varuna
(god of waters)
ANIMAL: Aligator
Sanskrit Letters: bam, bham, mum, yam, rum, and lam.
Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus)
COLOR: yellow
GEM: yellow sapphire, citrine
LOKA: sarva (celestial region)
DEITY : Agni
(god of fire)
Sanskrit Letters: dam, dham, nam, tam tham dam, dham, nam,
pam, and pham.
Anahata Chakra (Heart center)
QUALITY: touch
COLOR: green
GEM: Emerald
PETALS: twelve
LOKA: maha (loka of saints)
DEITY : Vayu
(lord of the wind)
ANIMAL: Antelope
Sanskrit Letters: kam, kham, gam, gham, ngam, cham, chham,
jam, jham, tam, and tham.
Vishuddha Chakra (Throat center)
QUALITY: sound
COLOR: turquoise blue
GEM: Turquoise
PETALS: sixteen
LOKA: jnana (loka of progenitors)
DEITY : Saraswati
(goddess of wisdom)
Sanskrit Letters: am, aam, im, eem, um, oom, rim, reem,
ereem, eim, eiem, om, aum, am, and aha.
Ajna Chakra (Brow center)
QUALITY: cosmic intelligence
COLOR: indigo blue
GEM: Blue sapphite, lapis lazuli
LOKA: tapa loka
DEITY : Rudra
Sanskrit Letters: ham, and ksam.
Sahasrara Chakra (Crown center)
QUALITY: transcendence
COLOR: purple
GEM: Amethyst
PETALS: one thousand
LOKA: satya loka (region of truth)
DEITY : Shiva
ANIMAL: Serpent
Chakra or Hrit Padma (Sacred heart)
QUALITY: concentration
COLOR: transparent
GEM: Diamond, clear quartz
PETALS: eight
DEITY : Ishta
devata (chosen deity)
Chakra (Pineal gland)
QUALITY: immortality
COLOR: silver
GEM: Pearl, moonstone
PETALS: sixteen
DEITY : Shiva
Many blessings
TaTha-Stu! (So be it)
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Yours Truly,
Chandalie Perera
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