Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Sun Vedic Mantra

Today we will start a series of planetary mantras, begining with the Vedic planetary mantras, that come in the scriptures call the Vedas. They are short, easy to learn and have the same structure.
Once we finish learning all 9 vedic mantras, we will move on to the Puranic Planetary Mantras, which come from the scriptures named the Puranas.
Then we will learn the Tantric mantras, from the scriptures known as Tantras.
Today we will learn the Vedic Mantra for the Sun.
Each planet in the Vedic system as an immediate result, as well asesoteric or metaphysical, and also physiological association for different parts of the human body. For that reason they are very healing.
The also are associated with a gemstone, a color, deity, metal, day of the week, and an amount of years where they rule our planetari chart, called “Dashas”.

In order to determine our planetary ruler in the Vedic system or qhich “Dasha” are we, I highly reccomend a Reading from my dear friend and amazing astrologer Jill jardine. She will teach you to mitígate undesirable planetary effects in your chart. Please visit her website:

Result:                                     Increasing courage and fame
Esoteric Result:                    Illumination, Healing abilities, Spiritual magnetism
Physiological Association:        Heart and Circulatory System (centripetal circulation, Thymus Gland, Upper portion of the back)
Gemstones:                           Ruby, Red Jade.
Deity:                                       Shiva
Color:                                       Red
Grain:                                      Wheat
Metal:                                      Bronze
Day of the week:                  Sunday
Length of Dasha:                 6 years

The manrea is:
OM                             Sanskrit symbol representing the creation of the Universe
SURYAYA               Name of the deity with the masculine suffix
NAMAHA                I salute and honor you

To learn how to pronounce this mantra, watch my YouTube video:

For more information about the planetary mantras, their yantras or sacred geometry, gemstone, malas, etc, please visit my web page:
For more information about Mala beads, please visit
Thank you once more for following me on facebook and twitter .
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Have a blessed day...

TaTha-Stu! (So be it)

Shivani Ma

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