Today we will learn a new healing
mantra that is also a Sun mantra. This mantra combines two different attributes
of the Sun: Aditya & Surya.
It’s immediate effect is to aid in
healing and strengthening our eye sight. Is the mantra of the shining rays of
the Sun that heal the eyes.
The mantra is:
OM Sanskrit symbol representing the creation of the Universe
GRINIHI Attribute
of the Sun that heals and strenghten the eyes.
SURYAYA The healing
shining rays of the Sun.
ADITYOM Esoteric aspect of the Sun
“Om and
salutations to the shining one that heal the eyes”
To learn how to pronounce this mantra, watch my
YouTube video:
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Have a blessed
TaTha-Stu! (So be it)
Shivani Ma