Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mantra to Remove Afflictions

Today we will learn another healing mantra. The Sun has 12 attributes or gifts and one of them is the ability of removing affliction. This principle is called Arkaya.
As a personal experience, years ago when I first started learning mantras with my amazing friend Jill Jardine, she was teaching an afternoon of healing month, and because I was already familiar with them from our teacher’s books, I decided to dedicate these Mantras to my mom.
She was in her 70s at the time, and every time I called her I would ask her how she wa doing, which she would reply telling me about all her aches and pains. The following day after chanting the healing mantras, and specifically this one, as usual I called her and ask her how she was doing. To my astonishment she responded:
"Today God decided to give me a day free of pain!"
I told her about what took place the day before and in spite of her skepticism she asked me to teach her the mantra, and to this day she still chants it when in need.

The 12 gifts of the Sun are as follows:
Mitraya                           Universal friendship
Ravaye                            Radiance
Suryaya                          Dispeller of darkness
Bhanave                         Brilliant, shining principle
Khagaya                         All pervading through the sky
Pushne                           Mystic fire which gives strength
Hiranya Garbhaya    Golden Colored One (Healing Gold)
Marichaye                     The pure light of dawn, at the crack between the worlds
Adityaya                         Light of the sage: and aspect of Vishnu
Savitre                            Light of enlightenment
Arkaya                            Remover of afflictions, Giver of energy
Bhaskaraya                  Brilliant light of intelligence

These tall gifts are also associated to the 12 postures or Asanas and the sunset station or Surya Namascar. We will be learning all these mantras along the way.
The Mantra is:

OM                             Sanskrit symbol representing the creation of the Universe
ARKAYA                  Name of the Son's attribute that removes afflictions.
NAMAHA                I salute and honor you

The indicated gemstone for the Sun is Ruby, or red jade or garnet.
To gift yourself a new mala, please visit:

To learn how to pronounce this mantra, whatch my YouTube video:

Tomorrow we will learn Saturn’s healing mantra.

For the best astrology reading you’ll ever get, please visit my diearest friend, teacher, and amazing astrologer Jill Jardine: 
And I strongly recommend you subscribe to her awesome newsletters for informative astrological updates!

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Have a blessed day...

TaTha-Stu! (So be it)

Shivani Ma

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