Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Welcome to the world of Sanskrit Mantras...

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the world of Sanskrit Mantras.
First and foremost I’d like to thank you for reading my blog.

In this blog you will find an array of information about Sanskrit Mantras. What are they?, where do they come from? What is their use? How can they help us? Their practical application, and most of all, how to learn to pronounce them correctly! What is a Mala? How to use it? And much more… Also, twice a week you’ll be able to learn a new mantra. We will also learn about mantra disciplines, ceremonies, and many other things related to Sanskrit Mantra.

I hope to find you reading my blog, whatching my YouTube channel, visiting my facebook page, and following me on twitter, so that you can share the new tools you’ll be learning with friends and loved ones.

Don’t forget to read all pages of this blog, for  they contain essential  information about Sanskrit Mantras.

Have a blessed day...

¡TaTha-Stu! (So be it)

Shivani Ma

1 comment:

  1. Finally able to get comment section on my cell phone.these mantras have brought me much blessings.more later..nancy
