About Me

Shivani Ma


My name is Shivani, I am a Reverend and Priestess in Sanskrit Mantras and Puja ceremonies, certified by the religious institution Sanatana Dharma Satsang.

I was born in Caracas, Venezuela and traveled around the world during my childhood and teen years, due to my father’s profession as a diplomat. I have lived in many countries, including the US, UK, Holland, Brazil, Kuwait, Spain and Portugal. I currently live in the US.

My spiritual journey began 25 years ago, and almost 10 years ago I found my spiritual home when I learned about Sanskrit Mantras. I have learned and practiced them to a point where they are part of my daily life.

During the 8 years I lived in Massachusetts, I found true friendship in my first mantra teacher and amazing astrologer Jill Jardine, who introduced me to the world of Sanskrit Mantras through the teachings of Namadeva Acharya, his widow Satyabhama, Guru Rama Mata, widow of our teacher’s, Sadguru Saint Keshavadas,  and their son, Muralidhar Pai.

During the year of 2012, I had the opportunity of designing 10 different Sanskrit Mantra workshops, and I teach them in full weekend or afternoon versions. I taught them in South Florida during that year, while living in the Boston area. I finally moved to South Florida in early 2013, wheree I currently live.

Ever since I started chanting mantras, I was guided to design and make japa mala beads, diving into the world of precious and semi-precious stones. I named them Shakti Malas, inspired by Namadeva’s book Shakti Mantras.
My malas are hand made and knotted one by one to the sound of Sanskrit Mantras, using the best material available, which grants them a unique energy and power.

From the beginning of this blessed year of 2015 I was guided to spread the teachings of Sanskrit Mantras, first to the Spanish spoken community around the world, only to realize that I should expand it to the rest of the world by making these teachings available also in English, through this blog, YouTube channel Sanskrit Mantras, and facebook page with the same name. All entirely free of charge.

I have been blessed with the privilege to know and follow such elevated masters, and to be part of the great lineage and legacy of the late  Sadguru Saint Keshavadas, who I did not get to meet in life, but through his work and followers. His widow, Guru Rama Mata, gave me the name that I so proudly bear.

I dedicate, with all my love and devotion this blog to all my teachers, specially  Thomas Ashley-Farrand, who still guides me from higher planes. Thank you Namadeva Acharya!

Thank you so much to all of you readers, for following the teachings and help me fulfill my dream of sharing them at free access.

Many blessings,

¡TaTha-Stu! (So be it)

Shivani Ma


  1. just read your bio Shivani and I just love the way the universe brings people together. I stumbled upon your Utube channel as I was looking for a specific mantra to chant n I
    subscribed to it as well as following you on Facebook. I had no idea Jill Jardine was your teacher as I have taken many of her classes over the years. I live South of Boston. I just love how you explain and teach the mantras. Wish you still lived in Mass!

  2. Please help!
    I have been using your mantras for several months.the ganesh siddha is one ive used alot.
    I notice i make alot of money but it seems to literally evaporate ,fall out of my purse or something.i need to be able to bind the opposite response of positive mantra.ant suggestions?
    Nancy chamundi

  3. While surfing you tube about Kshira Ganesh, I found on your Kshipra Ganesh Mantra and its Power. I would like to share very good information about Kshipra Ganesh Temple at Ankleshwar in Gujarat. Giving more information in Gujarati about Kshipra Ganesh, this temple is a located at Historical Place Ramkund at Ankleshwar. Here Kshipra Mantra is chanted everyday is AUM RIDDHI SIDDHI SAHIT KSHIPRA GANESHAY NAMAH: Please click link


    I have also given a link of your you tube channel on FB page of Kshipra Ganesh Mandir . You can see post dated September 14, 2018 giving details of an importance of 10th Mudra of Ganesh ji known as Kshipra and a list of 10 temples in India. May be helpful to you and followers. Thanks - Harish Joshi

  4. Beloved Shivani, por a Long time I've been very attracted by mantras and compelled to sign them with no results until thanks to Utsava who in one of her videos she recommended to chant one of your mantras for protection. And let me tell you that I fall in love with your Mantras, your channel and your presence! Thanks to your guidance now I can chant your Mantras, even the most complex ones in just a few days that I started doing it. I also order me a mala from Amazon to do it the right way. I can wait to buy one of your mala! They are so beautiful and I know they are programmed with the highest vibration of Universal Love of the Source. I feel like you that I found my path! I also live in South Florida, to be precise in Homestead, Fl.You are such an amazing bean of Light! You have the most brilliant light and presence that is like looking at ana Angel! You distealed a great sense of peace and joy. My hope is that by chanting this beautiful mantras I can allowed my light, and my higher self to be present and guide me and help me navigate through this journey and like you assist humanity in the shift. I want that light to be my guide, my fortress, my companion l, my hope, my joy, my fortress forever and ever. I'm deeply grateful and privileged for your life and your presence! Namaste!

  5. Shivani blessing for you, take care, greetings

  6. Thank you for your teachings and bless you you are missed I pray you are well !!!

  7. Hello, Shivani, Thank you for these wonderful mantras! I first discovered you in 2017 when I was searching for a mantra to help my husband with a custody battle with his ex over their two children, then aged 7 and 9. The ex is a borderline personality and has caused so many problems. There was nothing we could do to win with her. Then in 2018, I started saying the Narasimha mantra, 10 times a day for weeks leading up to their scheduled court date. One night, the kids asked me what I was chanting and asked if they could chant along. Perfect! So, we chanted together every night for the remaining 10 days until the hearing. The results were astounding. My husband was awarded joint custody, his child support payment to her came down by more than $200 a month, and best of all, she was ordered to share the child tax credit with him. Up until this point she had been claiming both children, which amounted in about $1,200 for each kid. This was well-timed, considering the extra payments that were paid out by the government to parents with children. The kids are 14 &16 now, and the ex controls them with an iron tight grip. They prefer her to us by far and spend most of their time with her now. And so, I enjoy the peace that their absence brings (since it means the absence of her, too), and I chant the Narasimha mantra for protection and destruction of negativity every day. I can't thank you enough. I've also had readings with Jill Jardine over the past few years and am grateful to you for guiding me to her, too. Namaste.

  8. Shivani maa,I hope you are well after this covid catastrophe.Are you on Instagram too
