
Puja or Vedic Ceremony

Pujas are Vedic Ceremonies coming from the most ancient scriptures known to man, the Vedas. With an estimated of 8,000 BC. These ceremonies or celebrations consist in bringing Divine aid and guidance, for whoever follows a path of spiritual growth, and also as gratitude.

Pujas are empowered by the power of Sanskrit Mantra, and they help us to clear and even eliminate part of our Karma, accumulated throughout many lifetimes. Although they have a religious background, they are in essence spiritual in nature, as are Mantras, and do not interfere in our belief system.

Pujas are facilitated by a Priest or Reverend as Vedic Ceremonies, and all are welcome to participate. They are usually dedicated to a deity or principle, like health, abundance, or love. They can also be made personally and at a distance.
Amogn the puja I personally offer, we can find:
Ganesha, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Shiva, Durga, Krishna, Rama para Sanación, Hanuman, Guru, Narasimha, Sudarshana Chakra, Planetary Puja, Siddhi Vinayaka, Esoteric Prosperidad, and Satia Narayana Pujas

For more information about my puja services, please visit:
Many Blessings,

¡TaTha-Stu! (So be it)

Shivani Ma

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