Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Twelve Gifts of the Sun

Today we will be learning the twelve gifts of the Sun.
1.      Universal friendship:
om (hram) mitraya namaha
2.     Radiance:
om (hrim) ravaye namaha
3.     Dispeller of darkness:
om (hrum) suryaya namaha
4.     Brilliant, shining principle:
om (hraim) bhanave namaha
5.     All pervading through the sky:
om (hraum) khagaya namaha
6.     Mystic fire which gives strength:
om (hrah) pUshne namaha
7.     Golden Colored One (Healing Gold):
om (hram) hiranyagarbhaya namaha
8.    The pure light of dawn, at the crack between the worlds:
om (hrim) marichaye namaha
9.     Light of the sage: and aspect of Vishnu:
om (hrum) adityaya namaha
10.Light of enlightenment:
om (hraim) savitre namaha
11.  Remover of afflictions, Giver of energy:
om (hraum) arkaya namaha
12. Brilliant light of intelligence:
om (hrah) bhaskaraya namaha
These tall gifts are also associated to the 12 postures or Asanas and the sunset station or Surya Namascar.
To learn how to pronounce this mantra, watch my YouTube video:

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Have a blessed day...

TaTha-Stu! (So be it)

Shivani Ma