Saturday, November 17, 2018

Vishnu Avatar: PARASURAMA, the Divine Anchorite (Hermit)

Parasurama, the sixth avatar, that the first human avatar made an appearance. This wandering sadhu carried a large ax and was possessed of supramundane abilities Parasurama was the destroyer of evil kings, the Kshatriyas, which had taken over the majority of territories and kingdoms of the earth, and who held the common people in servitude and bondage with cruelty.
For many years Parasurama wandered from place to place seeking out the local ruling king and ultimately separating his body from his head in the name of spiritual rectification of human affairs. Because he was endowed with divine power, no army nor any single warrior could keep him from his deadly rounds.
After many years all but two of the evil tyrants had been defeated. They were Ravana and his brother, Kumbarnaka, two exceedingly powerful demonic personalities. In the celestial spheres, it was decided that Parasurama’s mission was concluded, even though the two tyrants remained. The job of destroying them and performing other divine chores would fall to the following Avatar of Vishnu

The mantra is:


To learn how to pronounce this mantra, watch my YouTube video:

To learn more about Sanskrit mantras, please visit my blog:

Also, you can watch the first video in this channel:

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Have a blessed day...

TaTha-Stu! (So be it)

Shivani Ma

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