Saturday, February 27, 2016

Ganesha Gayatri

We learned the great gayatri mantra a few videos ago, so now we know that Gayatri is the goddess of light, and there is a Gayatri Mantra for each deity.

Fort he next few Saturdays we will be learning a Gayatri Mantra for a different deity, and today we are starting, of course, with the Ganesha Gaya tri mantra.
All of the deity Gayatri Mantras have a similar construction, where they start with the Sanskrit symbol OM, representing the ceation of the Universe, folowed by the name of the deity and the word Vidmahe, where we are calling the intelligence and gifts of the deity.

Then we pronounce a different name for the same deity, followed by the Word Dhimahi, where we invoke their wisdom as a sage, then we ask a manifestation (Tanno) of the deity to illumine our intellect (Prachodayat)

There are several Ganesha Gayatri Mantras. Today we are learning the one that comes in the Ganesha Upanishad.

The mantra is:


To learn how to pronounce this mantra, watch my YouTube video:

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Have a blessed day...

TaTha-Stu! (So be it)

Shivani Ma

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