Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Mantras for when we wake up and go to bed

Today we will be learning a couple of mantras taught by me directy by Satguru Rama Mata. It should be chanted right when we wake up, and right before w ego to sleep. With this Mantra we are asking for the blessings of the three main goddesses of the Hindu pantheon, and we look at different parts of our hands:

Gazing at  our hands together in front of our face we chant:
At the top og the hands, I invoke goddess Lakshmi
At the middle og the hands, I invoke goddess Saraswati
At the bottom of the hands, I invoke goddess Parvati
I ask to receive the blessings of the triple goddess

There are different versions of this mantra. I am passing down what was taught to me by Satguru Rama Mata.

The other mantra we chant right after this one, but only in the morning.
SAMUDRA VASAME DEVI                She wears the ocean as her robe
PARVATASTHANA MANDITE         Her breast is like the mountains
MAHA LAKSHMI NAMASTUBYAM   I honor you Oh great goddess Lakshmi
PADA SPARSHA KSHAMASWAME  Please forgive me for steping my feet on your blessed earth!

To learn how to pronounce these mantras, watch my YouTube video:

For more information about Mala beads, please visit
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Have a blessed day...

TaTha-Stu! (So be it)

Shivani Ma

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