Saturday, April 16, 2016

Ashta Lakshi: The 8 forms of Wealth

Today we are starting a new series of mantras every Saturday for the next 9 weeks: The eight different forms of the goddess of abundance, The Great Lakshmi.
First we will learn a mantra that invokes the energy of the 8 forms of Lakshmi, and starting next week, we will focus on each one of her forms.
The mantra is:
“Salutations to the Divine Mother who appears as Ashta Lakshmi or the eight forms of wealth. Please come forth among us now!”

To learn how to pronounce this mantra, watch my YouTube video:

For more information about Mala beads, please visit

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Have a blessed day...

TaTha-Stu! (So be it)

Shivani Ma

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