Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Chakra alignment Routine

This is a practice that I strongly reccomend you incorporate in your daily practice. It alings the energy of all your chakras throughout the spine, giving a wonderful start to your day, and it only takes a few minutes.

Sitting in lotus, with your spine straight, you visualize each one of the seven main chakras along the spine, in their respective clolrs, chanting their seed sounds.
I will repeat it 3 times in this video, but you can chant the seed sounds as many times ans you’d like,

The Seed Sounds are:

1. MULADHARA        Root Chakra                 Red                            Lam
2. SVADHISTHANA Sacral chakra                Orange                      Vam
3. MANIPURA            Solar plexus                  Yellow                       ram
4. ANAHATA               Heart chakra                Green                        yam
5. VISHUDDHA         Throat chakra              Turquoise                hAm
6. AJNA                          Third eye chakra         Indigo                       OM
7. SAHASRARA          Crown Chakra             Purple                       beyond sound

To learn how to pronounce these mantras, watch my YouTube video:

For more information about Mala beads, please visit

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Have a blessed day...

TaTha-Stu! (So be it)

Shivani Ma

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