Today we will learn a very short and simple mantra, but at
the same time very powerful and versatile, that we can use in many situations.
It is a mantra that grants us peace. When we feel restless,
uneasy, with anxiety or anger, or any negative feeling in general, we can chant
this mantra for immediate inner peace.
This mantra is also very useful to bring peace with someone
else or a situation, may it be with our spouse, relative, friend, at work. We
can also chant it in someone else’s behalf, stating that we do not take on
their karma.
We can also apply this mantra to a group of people, like a
country, a continent, a war situation, or simply for world peace.
The mantra is:
OM SHANTI OMPeace within, with others, with the world,
To learn how to pronounce this mantra, watch my
YouTube video:
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Have a blessed day...
TaTha-Stu! (So be it)
Shivani Ma
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