Saturday, June 11, 2016

Ashta Lakshi: The 8th Lakshmi

The eighth form of Lakshmi is Vidya Lakshmi, the goddess knowledge ad wisdom. This form of Lakshmi brings abundance of knowledge.
The mantra to invoke Vidya Lakshmi is:
“Salutations to the Divine Mother by whose grace one has the knowledge of past, present and future, which we ask for now”

To learn how to pronounce this mantra, watch my YouTube video:

For more information about Mala beads, please visit

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Have a blessed day...

TaTha-Stu! (So be it)

Shivani Ma

1 comment:

  1. Hello Shivani, would you recommend this mantra for someone seeking a career that will make them happy and prosperous? If not, what other mantra would you suggest? Thank you so much.
