Saturday, June 25, 2016

Mantra to manifest Abundance

This is the esoteric seed sound mantra for the great goddess Maha Lakshmi. It is a very short but extremely powerful mantra, consisting of a series f seed sounds that grant it such power. This mantra gives us acces to the esoteric aspect of the great Maha Lakshmi, goddess of prosperity and abundance.

The mantra is:
Esoteric Maha Laksmi Bija. Constructed thusly - Ka (absolute prakriti), Sa (Bhaskara),(Vymomesha), Ra (KalaVahni), I (Maya), (termination and manifestation)

To learn how to pronounce this mantra, watch my YouTube video:

For more information about Mala beads, please visit
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Have a blessed day...
TaTha-Stu! (So be it)

Shivani Ma

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