Saturday, May 30, 2015

Durga Mula Mantra


Today we will learn the Mula or foundation mantra for Durga, the goddess of protection. Durga represents the principle of protection in the sense of spearing is of all evil. Her energy is that of a mother, she is the Divine Mother.
When we or a loved one is in need of protection, when we face a dangerous situation, we should invoke Durga.
When we chant this mantra, we axes this principle in our subconscious, and act in a way that we will always be protected.
According to the ancient Indian scriptures, the story about how goddess Durga came to be, and bare in mind that these stories are metaphors that represent principles, was because the existence of a demon named Mahi Asura (the word Asura means demon)
Brahma has given him the boon of invincibility, were the only way he would be defeated would be by a woman.
With such a gift, Mahi Asura was causing a lot of trouble. Vishnu, in his role of preserver of the harmony of the universe, gathered with Shiva and Brahma to discuss a plan to defeat the evil demon.
The three of them performed a fire ceremony, a Yagna or Homa, to create a creature, a goddess with the combined powers of all three of them. From the fire rose Durga, a beautiful woman with pleasant manners, sitting on a tiger as her vehicle and bearing weapons and all her hands. She finally was able to defeat Mahi Asura. 
That's whay she is known as the divine protectress.

The Mantra is:
OM                             Sanskrit symbol representing the creation of the Universe
DUM                         Seed sound containing all information of Durga
DURGAYEI            Name of the principle, with the feminime suffix
NAMAHA                I salute and honor you

To learn how to pronounce this mantra, whatch my YouTube video:

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Have a blessed day...

TaTha-Stu! (So be it)

Shivani Ma

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