Thursday, May 28, 2015

Saturn Healing Mantra

Welcome one more time to my blog. Today we are learning a Saturn healing Mantra. Each one of the planets in Vedic astrology rule specific parts of the body when it comes to healing. Saturn rules: Skeletal System, Skin, Anterior Lobe of the Pituitary Gland, Ears, Calves of the Legs, Cartilage, Blood Circulation in tissues, Ligaments, Peripheral Sympathetic Nervous System, Spleen, Teeth, Tendons.

The spleen needs to be free of obstructions in clear to allow the healing of the body. For this reason, Saturn's Vedic Mantra has great healing powers.

On a personal note, if years ago I was facing an astrological phase where Saturn was ruining my life for a long period time, and this can be very harsh. So I used to chant a lot to Saturn.
For years I had been practicing martial arts, and had an injury that consisted of a pinched nerve at the back of my neck, and as a result my left arm would go numb very frequently. Hi battled this for years, going to constantly to chiropractors. And I was having a severe attack when, per my astrologers recommendation, I needed a blue sapphire mala. When I finally was able to purchase the beats and made the mala, I was guided to use a clasp instead of a pendant or tassel, and when I finish it I simply wrapped it around my wrist, and chanted the Saturn mantra. 
And numbness of my alarm went away immediately, like a miracle. And it has never come back to this date. This is the power off Sanskrit Mantras!
Shani is the deity that rules this planet, and it's mantra is:

OM                       Sanskrit symbol representing the creation of the Universe
SRI                       Title of reverence
SHANAISHWARAYA     Name of Saturn’s ruler
SWAHA             I salute and honor you

To learn how to pronounce this mantra, whatch my YouTube video:

The appropriate gemstone for Saturn is blue sapphire, which is a pricey gem. Other semi precious stones for a Saturn can be lapis lazuli and sodalite. 

To gift your self or a loved one with a Saturn Shakti Mala, please visit:

To access the planetary mantras and yantras, please visit:

To get an AMAZING astrological reading, please consult Jill Jardine:
And I strongly recommend you subscribe to her awesome newsletters for informative astrological updates!

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Have a blessed day...

TaTha-Stu! (So be it)

Shivani Ma

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