Monday, May 25, 2015

Lakshmi & Ganesha Mantra

Dear readers:

Today we will learn to chant a mantra that combines the energy of Ganesha & Lakshmi. They both were present respectively the principles of removing obstacles and abundance.

Lakshmi is usually depicted with elephants side-by-side in the background, indicating the presence of Ganesha around her. They both operate together many times, with the purpose of removing obstacles to abundance and prosperity in our lives.

There are a few mantras that combine the energy of both principles, and the one we are learning today is:

OM                           Sanskrit symbol representing the creation of the Universe
LAKSHMI              Name of the principle of abundance.
GANAPATAYEI    Name of the principle of removing obstacles wuth the eminine suffix.
NAMAHA               I salute and honor you

To learn how to pronounce this mantra, whatch my YouTube video:

For more information about Mala beads, please visit

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Have a blessed day...

TaTha-Stu! (So be it)

Shivani Ma

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